Course curriculum

    1. You’re in! First step to helping others

    2. Next step: getting connected

    3. Getting the ball rolling on helping others

    4. The tl;dr on interacting with other Leaf participants

    5. Weekly structure

    6. Advice on engaging with our content

    7. Intro call recording

    1. How Svetha saves: nonprofit entrepreneurship

    2. Lobbying against Lead

    3. Leaping over LEEP or starting the new New Incentives

    4. Quiz qu (Leaping over LEEP or starting the new New Incentives)

    5. Is this realistic?

    6. …a guessing game

    7. Charity is not…

    8. …that cheap

    9. Directly doing vs donating

    10. Donation downsides

    11. Donation upsides

    12. Getting others to do the (donating) dirty work

    13. Research with real impacts

    14. Exploring research questions

    15. Saving lives through system and social change

    16. Cards on the table

    17. Discovering your potential

    18. You won’t save lives if you don’t choose carefully

    19. Not “top” but still great

    20. Getting quality AND quantity

    21. A simple trick to save 10x more lives

    22. It’s not just the economy

    23. It’s not just donations

    24. It’s not just health

    25. It’s not just health (activity)

    26. How does this compare to doctors?

    27. Further exploration

    1. Saving lives through pandemic prevention

    2. Saving lives through pandemic prevention (Activity)

    3. High risk, high reward: altruistic bets

    4. Other opportunities to help evade extinction

    5. Evading extinction — expected value

    6. The missing multiplier

    7. Forgotten future generations

    8. Forgotten future generations (Activity)

    9. Aiming for a lasting legacy

    10. Neglected nonhumans

    11. Why worry about nonhumans?

    12. Why worry about nonhumans? (Activity)

    13. What’s good, homie?

    14. REEFS (FREES?) cranked up a gear

    15. Projects tackling pressing problems

    16. Volunteering that really matters

    17. Further exploration

    1. Tough choices in warzones and disasters

    2. Tough choices every second of every day

    3. Opportunities and choices

    4. Bigger switches, bigger victories

    5. A framework for prioritising pressing problems

    6. Framework quiz

    7. Exploring landmark numbers on problem size

    8. Shocking neglect

    9. Putting the framework into practice

    10. Keep digging

    11. What did you think?

    12. Further exploration

    1. Optimising for lifetime impact, not immediate impact

    2. Saving lives sustainably

    3. Starting sustainable habits

    4. How to achieve more (later)

    5. How to achieve more (later) (Activity)

    6. Investing to give

    7. Investing in understanding

    8. Investing in understanding (Activity)

    9. Investing in community

    10. Developing specialist career capital

    11. Developing specialist career capital (Activity)

    12. Choosing a degree that helps you save lives

    13. Considering relevant degrees

    14. What's relevant for you?

    15. Downrating, not deleting, degree options

    16. Rules of thumb for picking degrees with the best career capital

    17. 6 criteria for choosing a degree

    18. 6 steps to save lives later

    19. Further exploration

    1. Clarifying what you want, so you can actually get it

    2. Setting ambitious but realistic goals

    3. How ambitious? How realistic?

    4. When? Where? How?

    5. Why, why, why, why, why?

    6. Saving, supporting, or something else?

    7. If not, then what? Pulling it all together

    8. If not, then what? Pulling it all together (Activity)

    9. What specific actions will you take?

    10. What’s your top priority?

    11. When will you do what?

    12. Who will hold you to account?

    13. Why did the patient die? How can you prevent it happening?

    14. Making the most of this week’s discussion call

    15. Congratulations!

    16. Further exploration

About this course

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  • 98 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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