Course curriculum

    1. You're in!

    2. Advice on engaging with our content

    3. 3 options for a personalised AI advisor

    4. Getting the ball rolling

    1. Why AI might be the next industrial revolution

    2. But what actually is AI?

    3. But what actually is a neural network?

    4. Just to be clear…

    5. The key levers of AI progress

    6. Trends in AI

    7. Visualising the deep learning revolution

    8. What do pioneers in AI think about all this?

    9. Promise and perils, from utopia to dystopia

    10. Summing up

    11. Further exploration

    12. Connor Axiotes talk and Q&A

    1. AI risks aren't (just) science fiction

    2. Specification Gaming: How AI Can Turn Your Wishes Against You

    3. Why Would AI Want to do Bad Things? Instrumental Convergence

    4. Bias and ethics in current AI systems

    5. What is AI Ethics?

    6. Deep fake dangers

    7. Testing out issues in model training

    8. Summing up

    9. Further exploration

    10. Jack Parker talk & Q&A

    1. Could AI wipe out humanity?

    2. Could AI cause extinction this century? Where the experts stand

    3. Seeing the bigger picture of AI risk

    4. Choose your next adventure in AI Safety

    5. What did you choose?

    6. Can’t we just unplug dangerous AI? (and other questions)

    7. The real Black Mirror: AI-enhanced dystopia

    8. Clarifying the risks

    9. Further exploration

    10. Jai Patel talk & Q&A

    11. Michael Aird talk and Q&A

    1. You can help deal with the dangers of AI

    2. Diving into the black box: Interpreting AI

    3. Technical solutions: empirical and theoretical approaches

    4. Making a real personal impact on this problem

    5. Setting yourself up for careers fixing AI risks

    6. Competitions that boost your AI skills

    7. Summing up

    8. Further exploration

    9. Noah Siegel talk and Q&A

    10. Yi-Ling Liu talk and Q&A

    1. Racing through a minefield: the AI deployment problem

    2. Filling the void: Introducing (inter)national AI rules and regulations

    3. Surprising trends

    4. Avoiding Extreme Global Vulnerability as a Core AI Governance Problem

    5. Pause For Thought: The AI Pause Debate

    6. How to help tackle AI risks without even learning to code

    7. Degrees that set you up to tackle AI risks

    8. Getting active on AI

    9. Your next steps on the path to impact

    10. Your priority area to look into

    11. Further exploration

    12. Holly Elmore talk and Q&A

About this course

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  • 59 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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